Serenity Nutrition
One of the most frequently asked questions we get from patients when purchasing a supplement is, "how do I know what I'm getting is any good?". Over the years Pharmacist Kevin Oberlander has worked one-on-one with patients to get the best possible outcomes from their nutraceutical therapy. An important piece is researching the manufacturer of specific nutritional supplements and seeing firsthand the results of these recommendations. Using this vast experience and knowledge we have created Dakota Serenity Nutrition. A synonym of serenity is PEACE OF MIND; the foundation on which our exclusive vitamin and supplemental line is built. Our goal is to identify the strength and quality of a manufactured product or request a specific formulation that meets our patients' needs which then becomes a part of Dakota Serenity Nutrition. When you pick a Dakota Serenity Nutrition product off the shelf, you can do so with the peace of mind that you are getting the highest quality vitamin or supplement on the market.