Bring a copy of your insurance card.

Medicare eligible patients will need to provide their red, white, and blue cards.

We are trying to accommodate everyone to the best of our abilities to get everyone vaccinated as efficiently as possible.

Wellness Essentials

From your Dakota Pharmacy Team

Purchase a combination of all four of the Winter Wellness Essentials and receive a 10% discount (20% discount for enrolled Dakota Serenity Quest Members)

Vitamin C 500-1000mg twice daily

Buffered Vitamin C with Bioflavonoids by Dakota Serenity Nutrition or Metabolic Maintenance
Ultra Potent-C by Metagenics
Buffered ascorbic acid by Pure encapsulations

Vitamin D3 1,000-2,000IU daily (test levels every 3-4 months to monitor appropriate dosing)

Vitamin D3 by Dakota Serenity Nutrition
Vitamin D3 by Pure encapsulations

Zinc 20-50mg daily (add up all zinc in current supplements before adding more)

Zinc Pro 20mg by NutriDyn
Zinc Plus 12mg + Vit C 64mg by InterPlexus
Zinc Glycinate 54mg by Dakota Serenity Nutrition
Zinc Picolinate 50mg by Douglas Labs

Probiotics 15-50B CFU Multi Strain taken daily (probiotic formula should be rotated every 3-4 months)

Enterobiotic S-IGC by Natural Creations
Ther-Biotic Complete by Klaire Labs
UltraBiotic Daily Multi-Strain by NutriDyn
Pro Flora Balance by Dakota Serenity Nutrition
Probiotic 50B by Pure encapsulations
Spore Probio by TonicSea
OrthoBiotic by Ortho Molecular